Most recently, only around 315,000 to 150,000 years ago, modern humans – that is, the species Homo sapiens.
The human lineage has nevertheless endured a long and challenging trip. Our genetic route has taken many turns and turns over millions of years. Here’s a look at the oldest ancestors of humanity.
Ardipithecus is the first known genus of the human lines and is probably Australopithecus’ ancestor, a group closely connected to contemporary human people and commonly thought to be ancestral. Within 5.8 and 4.4 million years ago, Ardipithecus existed.
The genus is mainly known as the Ardi incomplete female skeleton. The braincase was related in size to that of a chimpanzee and held long arms and claws, but it had no significant, sharp, canine teeth as seen in apes. Instead, the braincase was huge and had a robust bone.
These could have been the first primates to walk upright, which was a dramatic step in the early development of humans. However, in the Sahelanthropus tchadensis (7.2 to 6.8 million years ago), Orrorin tugenensis (6 million years ago), or Ardipsis (5.8 to 4.4 million years ago), bipedality probably appeared farmer. Thus, bipedal is known as bipedalism.
In East Africa, Australophecines exhibited a mix of human and applied characteristics roughly 4.4 million years ago. Their lengthy arms and curled fingers allowed them to move freely between their trees, and their legs were shorter than contemporary human beings.
In addition, they couldn’t speak but had somewhat larger brains than a chimpanzee. In 1974, naturalist Donald C. Johanson found out that he called Lucy at Hadar, Ethiopia, as the skeleton of a youthful Australopithecus afarensis. It is, however, one of the world’s numerous significant fossils.
Homo habilis
Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania has been the most striking evidence of human development for experts. So it was in the early 1960s when paleontologist Louis Leakey and his team uncovered the bones, alongside the Australopithecines, of an earlier, bipedal hominid species, known as Homo habilis. What distinguished these early human beings from that characteristic of australopithecines was a larger brain, decreasing thick browrids and other structural modifications to a skull.