Lemon is offered for Rs 70 to Rs 90 per kilogram in Azadpur Mandi, the national capital’s primary wholesale market. Furthermore, the price has risen to Rs 240 per kilogram in Gujarat and Rs. 160 per kg in Karnataka.
Summer is here, which means it’s time to enjoy some refreshing drinks to keep your mind and body calm. Lemon is a savior in this blazing weather, from lemonade to fresh lime drink, and you know it. And, whenever we think of something revitalizing, the modest lemon comes to mind.
However, the price of the fruit skyrocketed early this week. It is offered for Rs 70 to Rs 90 per kg in Azadpur Mandi, the national capital’s primary wholesale market. Furthermore, the price has risen to Rs 240 per kilogram in Gujarat and Rs. 160 per kg in Karnataka. According to reports, a higher quality lemon was sold for Rs 15 per piece in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
After the price increase was revealed, Twitter users couldn’t stop themselves from reacting. The microblogging site was inundated with comments from netizens. While some people created humorous memes, others shared jokes that are sure to make you laugh.
The authored article is written by Darshana Joshi and shared with Prittle Prattle News exclusively.
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