
Blue films dark effects of youth!

Blue films include gender objectifying, stereotypes, violence, and sexism which indirectly indulges a negative state of mind in the youngsters

The huge impact of blue films and pornography has spoiled the environment of the young generation.

The blue films include gender objectifying, stereotypes, violence, and sexism which indirectly indulges a negative state of mind in the youngsters.

It is seen the children between the age of 9 to 17 years children who get exposure towards sexual images of blue films. In adult males, it is seen performing sexual activity after watching and in major cases, it loses the state of mind and results in disturbance in society. Through the extreme impact of such videos, sexual hormones get activated and result in harassment or molestation of females or women in society. it includes unsafe intercourse which is grasped up by the youngsters like anal or vaginal practices.

It is made to shape or build knowledge. According to a children’s study, it has been seen that the best approach taken by parents, teachers, and elders is to develop one-to-one communication and encourage knowledge by guidance in an appropriate way. Rather than their exposure towards internet education and pornography.

Psychiatrists say during lack of parents’ indulgence the exposure increases day by day. Which is termed basic sex education.

The extreme part disturbing about it is it picturizes anal intercourse which is against the law of nature, facial ejaculation, multiple activities with multiple partners, deep fellatio, etc. Ignorance towards young generation and their education is lacking somewhere by the parents and teachers.

To develop peace in society and shape the future of our dear ones, it is necessary to develop good communication. It also disturbs the culture of the society.

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