
Everything about Paediatric Spinal Cord Tumour and its deadly consequences for children

Spinal cord tumours are also known as neoplasms, which are abnormal growths of tissues that begin inside the spinal column.

Spinal Cord Tumour, Being diagnosed with cancer is terrifying, but being diagnosed in a child is even more so.

Nothing is more upsetting than witnessing a child go through cancer treatment, but it is important to remember that with the appropriate doctors and therapies, the child can live a normal life.

Spinal Cord tumour is one of the tumours discovered among the younger generation. This disease, however rare, must be treated as soon as possible.

In children, there are two forms of spinal cord tumours: benign (non-cancerous) and malignant (cancerous) (cancerous).

The spinal cord is a critical portion of the human body’s Central Nervous System (CNS), and it is a lengthy nerve tissue that runs down from the brain stem and connects to the centre of the back.

The Spinal Cord is surrounded by vertebrae, or backbones, and is wrapped in three layers termed membranes.

The basic activities of spinal cord nerves include transmitting messages from the brain to the rest of the body, regulating muscle movements, and sensing touch on the skin.

Spinal cord tumours are also known as neoplasms, which are abnormal growths of tissues that begin inside the spinal column.

Primary tumours are those that develop in the spine. Spinal Cord Tumours, whether malignant or non-cancerous, require immediate medical and surgical attention because they put strain on the spine, causing deformities and severe problems.

Children’s Spinal Cord Tumor Symptoms

The youngster may not notice any symptoms at first, but the following symptoms may appear as the tumour grows in size. Symptoms also vary from child to child, depending on the tumor’s location, size, growth, and age.

Chronic back pain is one of the primary signs to look out for. Other indicators include:

  • Chronic neck pain
  • Sciatica – Intense pain radiating from the sciatic nerve from the lower back to the hips and then down to the legs
  • Fatigue
  • Partial paralysis
  • Structural deformity in the spine
  • Loss of control over the urinary bladder
  • Change in bowel movements
  • Sudden onset of fever


There is no definite reason to understand what causes Spinal Cord Tumours. Just like in the case of other cancers, genetic conditions may play a role.


The doctor may look for tumours or other symptoms of disease during the physical examination. To understand the reasons, the patient’s family health history will be thoroughly examined.
A neurological exam includes tests of the patient’s mental health, capacity to stand and walk, muscular reflexes, and senses.
To determine the position and growth of the tumour, imaging tests such as CT-Scan, MRI, and PET-CT are advised.
A blood test is performed to determine the presence and level of particular chemicals in the blood that have been related to various types of cancer.
These molecules, often known as tumour markers, establish the presence of cancer if they are high.



Surgery is frequently used as the first line of treatment to carefully remove tumours without endangering the Spinal Cord or causing nerve damage.
The procedure is carried out using high-powered microscopes, which allow the surgeon to distinguish between tumour and healthy tissue.
In some cases, the surgeon may utilise high-frequencysound waves to shatter the tumour into small fragments for simple removal.

Following that, other treatment options include:

  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation Therapy
  • Medications
  • Physiotherapy and rehabilitation

Recovery After Treatment?

Several factors influence the prognosis, including:

  • The tumor’s kind
  • If there are any lingering cells after surgery and treatment
  • The tumor’s location
  • The child’s ageTo fully heal, the youngster may require rehabilitation in the form of physiotherapy, medication, and emotional support.
If you see any of the aforementioned indications, symptoms, or odd changes, get immediate medical attention.
The authored article is written by Dr. Satyam Satyarth, Consultant, Medical Oncology, HCG EKO Cancer Centre, Kolkata and shared with Prittle Prattle News exclusively.
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