Indian Bank observed a month-long Anna Sewa Abhiyaan, a CSR initiative during the anchor month of August 2022 under the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM) campaign of Govt. of India.
Anna Sewa Abhiyaan Bank while striving to offer excellent banking services to the nation, is also reaching out to the marginalized population through various activities under its umbrella CSR Policy.
As part of the initiative Anna Sewa Abhiyaan, the team undertook community service across various old age homes, cancer patients’ shelter houses, Divyang Jan & Mentally Retarded people, homes for the destitute and orphanages by serving them food and providing the necessary help and support on the weekdays as well as on weekends.
The Anna Sewa Abhiyaan Bank reached out to 29 NGOs/ Shelter Homes during the month and served around 3000 needy people.
The Anna Sewa Abhiyaan Bank also distributed National flags to these people for facilitating their participation in the “Har Ghar Tiranga” movement from August 13 to 15, 2022 to celebrate 75 years of India’s Independence.
Indian Bank official expressed his feelings, “Indian Bank is committed to its social responsibility and will continue reaching out to the various strata of the society requiring help & support to live a respectful life. “As you give, so shall you receive”, is a part of the ancient tradition of India, which is nature’s principle and a strong social-cultural practice of India to share with the ones in need.”
About Indian Bank