

Being pregnant is a beautiful phase in life, so much to look forward to and enjoy every day’s new experiences. As much the hope of a new chapter excites you, you know there’s a lot to be taken care of! One of the major aspects is- the professional life. While working, pregnancy can be quite a juggling act, where mental and physical exhaustion is always at par. Getting ready to be a mom naturally puts your mind into multitasking mode where you now have to continue your daily routine along with nurturing a new human being. As for me, I created a cheat sheet for me to ease into the process of “working pregnancy”.

Organize your day better
Create a to-do list for yourself every morning and if possible, allot a specific duration to each task. This way you are aware of the energy, that you’ll have to invest in and save up on some. As you list your deliverables, make sure to tick mark the ones achieved as you move along.

Be honest at your workplace
When the word is out, let your colleagues also know about your pregnancy. On days when you aren’t feeling your best, they’ll be your guiding light and make your work-life journey a tad bit easier. Turn to them when you find yourself in a puddle and distress- talking things through at your workplace can help you feel supported and heard.

Take time off
On some days, you won’t feel the best about yourself, that’s when your body is asking for time off. I remember going for daily walks for at least 40 minutes and listening to music. Not only did it help in calming my nerves but helped me function better all day.

Create your own reality
One thing I recommend highly is don’t go by the stereotypes or pre-set notions, where they say your life hits a pause when you get pregnant. That is untrue. Rather, you indulge in new facets of life, go for that extra mile if your health allows and live life as any other individual would. I worked throughout my pregnancy while keeping my health in check and thoroughly enjoyed the process.

Create acceptance for yourself
As cliché it may sound but belief in yourself. The amount of work that you are contributing in the office is enough and so is off the work. With this new role of motherhood comes new energy; because of which you can align professional and personal life in a way, that it doesn’t take a toll on you.

Don’t give in to guilt
If for some reason you are late at work or unable to finish up a task, take a breather and don’t go down the guilt lane. Not every day will be your best and doesn’t necessarily have to be perfect. Take enough time to regain energy and ask for help if the need be. After all, you are taking care of two humans at once!

Enjoy this phase of life with utmost joy and a grateful heart. Some moments of this journey might be bittersweet, but the destination will be most treasured. For me, I’ll be forever grateful for the support offered by my team at AM Branding Co, our beautiful clients & my family, who always had my back and made my journey so beautiful.
The authored article is written by Mridul Sawhney (Co-Founder, AM Branding Co.) and shared with Prittle Prattle News exclusively.
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