
Eating Habits to Reduce Belly Fat and Aging

Different lifestyles can make you look younger and protect you from various health problems. This is especially true older, and your weight fluctuates more naturally.

Everyone is different in size, shape, and weight, and contrary to popular belief, your weight is not always an indicator of your health.

When it comes to weight, it’s also essential to keep an eye out for a type of fat called visceral fat, which sits around your stomach. This is known as “dangerous” fat because it accumulates around your organs and increases your risk of certain diseases.

As a result, managing visceral fat as you age can be an essential part of avoiding age-related disease.

Stay hydrated throughout the day.
Drinking enough water is essential for your overall health. If you don’t get enough of it, you may experience irritability, feeling hungrier, bladder problems, heart and kidney problems, and a lack of energy, to name a few symptoms.

Start with your water intake if you want to adopt some healthier habits. Drinking water and eating less overall can also help keep your skin looking young and healthy by flushing toxins from your body.

Consume more vegetables
You can’t go wrong with vegetables for healthy eating to slow aging. “Vegetables in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber help you stay young and healthy,” Coleman says. “When possible, include vegetables in every meal because they are low in calories but high in nutrients.” In addition, instead of eating only one type of vegetable at a time, I recommend eating a variety of vegetables such as broccoli, kale, spinach, peppers, tomatoes, carrots, and onions.”

Eat a nutritious breakfast every day.
Breakfast is one of the essential parts of your day, and many people skip it unintentionally because they are too busy. “Eating a meal in the morning helps fuel your body, making you less likely to binge on junk food later in the day,” Coleman says. “If you have the time, eat breakfast within an hour of waking up to allow your body time to digest before your first meeting.”

Experiment with intermittent fasting.
The only time you should “skip breakfast” is if you’re trying an intermittent fasting approach with the approval of a doctor or dietitian. “This is less of a diet and more of a lifestyle approach to eating that can improve your weight and longevity,” says Trista Best, MPH, RD, LD of Balance One Supplements.

“Intermittent fasting helps reduce inflammation in the body, which is known to cause and exacerbate chronic diseases common in the Western world.” More extended fasting periods are beneficial effects at the cellular level.

Consume more whole foods
Whole foods are the polar opposite of processed foods, and Best believes that it is critical to replace them with whole foods whenever possible. “Processed food is a food product, not a whole food.”

“Processed foods are made from refined carbohydrates, stabilizers, emulsifiers, and other ingredients to improve shelf stability, flavor, and texture,” Best explains.

“They can irritate the gut, cause an imbalance in gut bacteria, and eventually lead to chronic-low grade inflammation.” Whole foods, on the other hand, have not been altered in any way to increase or decrease their nutrient quality.”
The authored article is written by Darshana Joshi and shared with Prittle Prattle News  exclusively.
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