
Best sleeping positions you must know for good health

One aspect of your sleep schedule is almost undoubtedly consistent. Even if your bedtime varies every night or you wake up at drastically different hours every morning, you have a favorite sleeping position.

Unfortunately, the posture that is most comfortable for you may create health issues ranging from pains to sleep apnea. Discover the benefits and drawbacks of specific sleeping positions and simple strategies for making each place better for you.

Log position

Do you sleep on your side with your arms down and close to your body? You’re also in good company: 15% of individuals love to catch their ZZZs in the log position. That’s fantastic news since it’s healthy for your health.


Snoring may be caused by lying flat on your back with your arms at your sides, which affects 50% of all people at some time and becomes more prevalent as we age. Snoring isn’t simply bothersome for the person next to you or in the next room. It can cause sleep disruption and hardening of the carotid artery, which provides blood to your brain, face, and neck.


More than four out of ten individuals prefer this sleeping position, especially women, who are twice as likely as males to sleep curled up on their side. It’s generally a healthful method to sleep since it allows your spine to relax in its natural posture.

You’re still lying on your back for this one, but your legs are farther apart, and your arms are bent up on each side of your head. Like “soldier,” This posture can assist with acid reflux, but it also increases your chances of snoring and aggravates sleep apnea.
You’re laying on your stomach, arms curled beneath your pillow or on each side of your head, as though falling into the clouds. Sleeping on your stomach may seem pleasant when snuggles in, but it can cause lower back and neck distress. You’re also more likely to toss and spin when trying to get comfortable on your stomach than in other positions.

The authored article is written by Nikita Katarmal and shared with Prittle Prattle News exclusively.

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