
What to pack in your carry-on bag for a summer trip?

Whether you are going for a road-trip or a long vacation, packing a carry-on bag can be daunting and requires skills. We are always in a dilemma whether to pack our favorite jeans or an extra pair of tees. Whether you are going to a beach, hills, or city – all these summer destinations share almost the same basic essentials. Be it a backpack or a tote bag, it’s what is inside that counts. So if you are confused about what to put inside your carry-on bag, here we are with a list of essentials you would need in your bag this summer.

Shaving Gel
Personal grooming is an art which helps enhance self-esteem. While traveling especially during summers, personal hygiene becomes very important both for women as well as men. A shaving product in the carry-on bag is a must. Zlade, a leading men’s grooming brand which looks after the personal hygiene for both women and men, has come up with a summer edition called, Summer by Zlade, All Natural Shave Combo for women made from natural ingredients, is chemical free and devoid of any artificial foaming agents. The Pre Shave and Post Shave Gel are antibacterial and laced with skin healing properties. Think no more and click on the below link to get your Pre and Post Shaving Gel to pamper your skin.

Protein Bombs
Your traveling essentials should definitely have something you can munch on anytime. Protein bombs are easy to carry and also a healthy snack. One of the leading nutrition and snack brands, Phab, caters to this need. Protein bombs from Phab and quite delicious and equally nutritous. Every bomb contains more than 50% roasted nuts to provide your tase buds the perfect blend of flavour and health. Prepared with zero preservatives these are an ideal choice for those on low sugar delight. Available in three lip-smacking flavor, with Phab protein bombs you nno lonnger have to wworry about the food cravings while on the go.
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Travel Neck Pillow
Unless you are someone who can fall asleep quickly anywhere, getting sleep on a plane is quite a challenge. Even if somehow you manage to find a comfortable position for a quick nap, it’s not long before your neck starts hurting and you wake up. To solve this problem, just go to the Livpure Sleep website and click on the Travel Neck Pillow. A favorite accessory of travelers, the neck pillow is a perfect balance of softness and comfort your neck requires. The memory foam neck support pillow gives the neck the support while working for hours or traveling. The Kooltex outer cover evaporates the moisture and gives a cool and fresh feel. Wait no more and pack this product to make your travel comfortable.

Traveling during summer requires a lot of skin care. Protecting your skin from the glaring rays of the sun is very important. Hence we recommend you buy a sunscreen which can not only protect your skin from the sun but also keep it moisturized. Aveeno Ultra-Calming Daily Moisturizer SPF30 is apt for everyday SPF requirements for your skin and is safe for all skin types. It comes in a travel-sized pack and is oil and fragrance free and is dermatologist tested. Invest in this travel efficient pack and throw it into your carry-on bag and enjoy your vacay.
Flip Flops
Flip Flops are a good idea for any trip. Especially while on a trip during summer season flips flops will be the best companion for your feet. At some point you might want to resort to them. If you are looking for slippers which will provide you comfort over long walks, then search no more as Solethreads is here with a unique range of flip flops for both women and men to lighten your mood as well as your feet during long walks.
The authored article is written by Darshana Joshi and shared with Prittle Prattle News  exclusively.
Must Read – Transplant
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