
Buying Instagram followers: A Cakewalk turned into a tradeoff for influencers

Buying followers on Instagram may sound fun and credible, but it could be a gamble. If you are ready to play this gamble, primarily know that these followers are bot accounts that, in no way is going to benefit your brand.

The phenomenon of Influencers created a prodigious buzz in 2009, and it has not seen a dark day since then. With the advent of the pandemic in 2019, the market of influencers, especially on Instagram, have grown immensely.

However, to become a distinguished influencer, one must hold a huge audience, an organic one. 

Producing an organic audience for influencers on social media platforms (like Instagram) indeed is not a cakewalk, but buying them is (with awful consequences, of course).

It takes months or even years to reach your dream number of followers. Users on Instagram these days follow only the influencers whose content intrigues them or adds value to their life. So, to produce and retain an organic audience is like going the extra mile.

People started to have an instant bulk of followers on Instagram a few years back. It happened so because Instagram users and even influencers started buying followers online.

To do so is no rocket science. You only have to google how to buy Instagram followers online, and soon you’ll be directed to a list of vendors offering to buy followers online with their varied plans.

Share your username and credit card details with them. The next thing you know is ‘done.’ You have your desired number of followers added as per the
chosen plan! 

But before you go through this process, know if it’s worth it. Since the pathway of an influencer depends upon creativity and audience engagement; you must not want to tear down your reputation.

Buying followers online will not add anything substantial other than an inflated number to your profile. Is this what you desire?

These followers are not your target audiences; some are not actual humans. They may soon disappear, leaving your investment with no returns. Also, a sudden increase in followers alarms your competitors, and you could be in grave danger when they notice such a thing. 

Buying followers on Instagram may sound fun and credible, but it could be a gamble. If you are ready to play this gamble, primarily know that these followers are bot accounts that, in no way is going to benefit your brand.
An intelligent play here would be to invest these funds in digital marketing and advertising instead, which are genuinely the conventional approaches to attract more traffic (followers) to your Instagram account.
The most detrimental effect would be getting your account permanently suspended by Instagram.
In November 2018, Instagram revised its Terms and Conditions policy regarding purchasing followers through artificial apps. Once Instagram’s algorithm notices any suspicious activity in an account, the repercussions could be dire.
For example, if you have an account with 1 million fake followers and the engagement is less than 1.7%, you are answerable for that. And, if noticed for the second time, your account will get suspended.
Another defaming factor could be the spam account. many sham accounts have a spam front, and by letting them follow you, you are inviting them to spread their spam.
What will you do with followers who are not interested in what
What are you posting about? These bot accounts get seized by Instagram as soon as they are caught. Moreover, buying followers will not benefit your brand but will defame you.
If your content remains intact to only fake accounts and does not reach out to the target audience, you are leading nowhere.
Life is not a cakewalk, and so is the journey of an influencer. So, go out there, reach out to your target audience, and follow the wise path the world is yours!
This article was shared with Prittle Prattle News as a Press Release and contributed by Business research team, Kofluence Tech. 
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