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Pilates vs.Yoga: Which Is Better?

Pilates is a type of mind-body exercise introduced in the early 20th century by German physical trainer Joseph Pilates, after whom it was named. It was primarily used as rehabilitation for wounded soldiers. Pilates brought his method to the United States in and spent years refining his approach.

Pilates may improve muscle strength and endurance,improve flexibility and posture, lead to better balance,result in decreased joint pain etc.

A systematic review of 2012 examined the literature to divine a consensus description of Pilates.

It said it can be described as “a mind-body exercise that requires core stability, and flexibility, and attention to muscle control, posture, and breathing”

Yoga is a group of physical, mental, spiritual practices which originated in ancient India and aim to control the mind, recognizing a detached witness-consciousness untouched by the mind and mundane suffering.

There is a wide variety of schools of yoga, practices, and goals in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism and traditional and modern yoga is practiced worldwide.It’s centered around the beliefs of proper relaxation,exercise,breathing,diet,positive thinking and meditation.

Pilates consists of matwork and exercises on specialized and often spring-loaded equipment, such as the Reformer, Tower,and Stability Chair. It’s a method recommended by doctors and employed by physical therapists.

It benefits people of all ages and skill levels because it’s a low impact exercise that aligns the body, creating strength through muscular balance and neuromuscular fine-tuning. Pilates can be both restorative and strong. 

While it’s not a heart-pumping cardio exercise, you can break a sweat while feeling your muscles working . It’s known for working the smaller, deeper, and often underused stabilizing muscles that support the joints.

 As a result, the challenge you feel from Pilates may be a bit different than what you’re used to feeling in the weight room or when pushing yourself hard in a spin class. Still, there’s tremendous benefit to be had when you start Pilates.

The ultimate goals of yoga are stilling the mind and gaining insight, resting in detached awareness, and liberation from saṃsāra and duḥkha: a process leading to unity with the divine or with one’s Self. This goal varies by philosophical or theological system. In the classical Astanga yoga system, the ultimate goal of yoga is to achieve samadhi and remain in that state as pure awareness. 
For individuals with back pain, both yoga and Pilates poses can give glorious results for stronger and more supportive back muscles. Care has to be taken with some yoga poses as they will actually make the existing problems worse. When attending yoga classes, the yoga teacher will be able to offer advice to students with back problems.
One of the main differences between Yoga and Pilates is that Yoga can be used for improving the flexibility of the body and it will also increase the flexibility of your joints. Whereas Pilates focuses on trying to relax muscles which are tense and provide strengthening of the numerous muscles of the body. 
At the end, the simple way to decide whether Pilates vs. Yoga is best for you is to try both of them and figure out what works best for you. Try one class of each, and you will be able to see for yourself which one suits your needs and abilities better. Both Pilates and Yoga both are a very enjoyable ways to strengthen your muscles, get your body in better shape, relieve stress, and gain more flexibility.
You should always consult with your doctor before you take yoga and Pilates class. Some of the poses may be dangerous for you if you have had surgery or suffer from any illness in the past.
The authored article is written by Bhavika Thakkar and shared withPrittle Prattle News exclusively.
(The opinion expressed in the article are personal )
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