Dolphins are small-toothed cetaceans distinguished by their curved mouths!
There are 36 dolphin species, which can be found in all oceans.
Dolphins are small-toothed cetaceans distinguished by their curved mouths, which give them a permanent “smile.” There are 36 dolphin species, which can be found in all oceans.
The majority of dolphins are marine, living in the sea or brackish waters along coastlines. But, a few species breathe in freshwater streams and rivers, such as the Southern Asian river dolphin & the Amazon river dolphin.
The orca, the largest dolphin, can grow to reach over 30 feet long. The Maui dolphin is the smallest, measuring about five feet long. Dolphins mostly eat on fish and squid, which they track via echolocation; an in-built sonar bounces sound waves off prey and provides information such as its location, size, and shape.
An echolocating bottlenose dolphin can emit up to a thousand clicking noises per second. Dolphins are very sociable creatures that communicate through squeaks, whistles, and clicks.
They live in pods of a dozen or more. Scientists have been debating whether dolphins, like humans, have language for decades. They have warm blood and nurse their offspring as animals. Dolphins have multiple mates and typically have a single offspring who will visit with the mom for the following six years, depending on the varieties.
Dolphins are smooth, sleek swimmers capable of reaching speeds of up to 18 miles per hour. They are very playful and frequently frolic in the wake of a boat, springing out of the water for fun, communication, or even to shed troublesome parasites. Unfortunately, dolphins have been killed for their meat and fat for ages.
Today, their major vulnerability is being caught in industrial fishing nets by accident. Dolphins must rise to the surface regularly to breathe; becoming caught in nets inhibits this, resulting in drowning.
In addition, warming ocean temperatures induced by climate change have prompted some of Maine dolphins’ key food sources to migrate into deeper, cooler water.