
Writers republic features the book, 21 greatest story never told by Vincent Krivda

The first books of the Bibles include stories from oral tradition handed from generation to generation.

The Torah is the first five books of the Hebrew and Christian Bible. Torah means to teach. But what does the Torah teach? How does the Torah teach? Author Vincent Krivda discusses the development of the messages in the book of Genesis in his new book.

The reader is invited to experience the vivid world of antiquity and for the first time, hear The Greatest Story Never Told.

Scholars agree the Bible evolved from an oral tradition to its written form. This book examines the messages of the Book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible, based on what those messages would have sounded like to an audience in the original oral tradition.

The episodes of Creation and the 21 separate stories of the iconic figure of Abraham are recast under the microscope of the prevailing Near Eastern context of their birth.

This task has challenged established interpretations of the numerous episodes contained in the book of Genesis. It will not threaten the text itself, instead, reevaluate how the text is understood.

The book of Genesis is not the construction of a single author, nor is it per se the product of multiple authors. Instead, it is the redacted surviving account(s) of multiple oral traditions that were naturally transformed over hundreds of years, thousands of years ago.

The author hopes to reveal the lessons that might have been told.

This article was shared with Prittle Prattle News as a Press Release.

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