MEADVILLE, Pa., “The Hidden Keys in the Bible”: an encouraging approach to spiritual growth. “The Hidden Keys in the Bible” is the creation of published author Vernon Atkins.
Atkins shares, “Is it really possible to unlock the mysteries of hidden secrets that are contained within the Bible? And what would be the reason for God and/or his Son to lock up true knowledge of who he and his Son is from his children, whom he says he loves very much and wishes that none should perish? Could it be that God wants to see if his children would go all out to know him and his Son? This would show true love for the parents, and God and his Son is no different than any other parent.
They want to see how much the children loves them, and what better way for the child to show the parents that they are very much loved by the children than for the children to obey the parents, completely, without question. For the child at that point when the parent jumps for joy, for the child has shown very much respect for his parents, our God and his Son are no different than the parents of human children. It’s almost like when a human parent hears for the first time their child say ‘Papa’ or ‘Mama.’ It is complete joy to the parents, and likewise to the Father and his Son, when they see the children taking the time to seek them out, to know them firsthand.
It is the same feeling as the human parents feel when the child says ‘Papa’ or ‘Mama.’ This is when the Father starts to open up doors that were hidden from the rest of the world. This is how he shows you his love for you. The Father slowly releases his Spirit (Holy) a little bit here and there. It is only when you begin to put the pieces together that it becomes clear, and a key is given unto you; and the more you study his Word, his Bible, he releases more knowledge that is hidden from the rest of the world. Remember, the more you seek out the Father, the more he releases his knowledge to you. “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15). What is 2 Timothy 2:15 saying? The Father is telling you to not put your trust in man (minister) to reveal his truth but to seek for him yourself. All you need to do is knock, seek, and ask with a pure heart, and he will come to you and be your God, and you will be his son or daughter.
“Those who have ears will hear. God bless us all.”
Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Vernon Atkins’s new book will challenge and encourage readers as they consider the carefully structured information presented through decades of biblical study.
Atkins shares in hopes of encouraging others as they look to establish or nurture a relationship with God.
Consumers can purchase “The Hidden Keys in the Bible” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.
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