Groundbreaking book, “Detox The Mind” by bestselling author Rajinder Singh provides step-by-step plan with engaging exercises for emotional, psychological, and physical health.
LISLE, Ill., May 21, 2022-Detox The Mind, Rajinder Singh’s groundbreaking new book presents a detailed look at the myriad “toxins” that afflict us all – causing both emotional and physical illness, and ultimately forming a barrier that prevents us from experiencing the love and happiness that is inherent in us all.
Important and timely, Detox the Mind, provides the reader with an easy-to-follow path to living free from stress, anxiety, and pain.
Providing detailed descriptions of how anger, resentment, jealousy, hatred, possessiveness poison our mind, the author then presents a concise blueprint for identifying and ultimately overcoming these “toxins” so that we can live a life of peace, contentment, and bliss.
In these troubling times, this book can serve as a reminder to us all that in spite of the physical, emotional, and financial turmoil we may all be experiencing, love and happiness are available to us all. According to the author, if we can all learn to overcome the negative tendencies of the mind, we will not only find healing within our own selves but will help foster greater communication and positive interactions with all those we come in contact with.
Through anecdotes and scientific research, Rajinder Singh offers his compassionate understanding to help us face a complex world. Written like a handbook with activities and exercises, each chapter brings readers into a new dimension and understanding of themselves.
As an internationally recognized expert teacher of meditation, Rajinder Singh knows how to present meditation to practitioners of any age or background so that they can practice successfully and achieve its many benefits.
By making this simple but profound meditation practice available to one and all, Rajinder Singh is helping others learn a powerful antidote to the pressure of everyday life. Detox the Mind emphasizes the importance of positive living. When we are calm and peaceful, the author reminds us, we not only help ourselves but are making the world a kinder and more hopeful place to live.
This article was shared with Prittle Prattle News as a Press Release.
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