India’s leading PU footwear manufacturer VKC Pride has launched a new KICK-OFF series of sliders and flip-flops to celebrate World Cup Football. The KICK OFF series comes with myriad color combinations and is designed in the theme of team attire of various countries playing in the Qatar World Cup 2022. VKC Group Chairman VKC Mammad Koya launched the new product. Hasan Haji, treasurer of the All Kerala Footwear Dealers Association, received the first batch.
Football fans can choose their favorite team-matching sliders or flip-flops from VKC dealers across the country.
The company has also kept its promise of honest pricing for this product lineup. The KICK OFF series of sliders and flip-flops are available at an affordable price, ranging from Rs 289 to Rs 339.
“The VKC Pride KICK OFF Series of footwear with unique graphics was born out of the idea of introducing new products for sports enthusiasts in this world cup season. With this, VKC joins the celebration of football fans,” said VKC Razak, Managing Director of VKC Group.
“KICK OFF series footwear is designed and curated for football lovers in colors that match their favorite teams. Notably, the design has not used flags of any countries. With the celebration of sports, we are also aiming to energize the local market in this sports season with the new product range and push the ‘Shop Local’ neighborhood business promotion campaign forward,” Mr. Razak added.
Photo Caption: VKC Group Chairman VKC Mammad Koya presents the new ‘KICK OFF’ series launched ahead of the World Cup Season to Hasan Haji, Treasurer of All Kerala Footwear Dealers Association. VKC Group Managing Director VKC Razak, Directors V. Rafiq, K.C. Chacko, and Blesson Joseph AGM- Marketing were also present.