Prittle Prattle News in conversation with Ms. Ratna Kulkarni – Profitability Coach for Salon and Spa Owners
Running a salon is challenging, but it’s all the more difficult in these trying times. Luckily for
budding Salon and spa entrepreneurs, there is hope. Ratna Kulkarni of Le Miroir Salon has repeatedly proved that adaptability and versatility are essential for managing a consumer business. An avid
believer of dynamic managerial styles and customer centricity, Ratna has established a repertoire
in the Salon and spa business of the country and has built her brand single-handedly during the
challenging times of Covid-19. It proves that showing mettle in doing business is enough to guide
you toward success, just like Ratna did. Starting her career as a salesperson and with no prior experience
in managing or even working in a salon and spa business, it’s incredible what Ratna has achieved
in a short period, given the kind of challenges and limitations she had to face in her entrepreneurial
venture. Her ability to learn from new situations and adapt business strategies is critical
to her brand’s success and continuous growth.
Can you tell me about your company and your role in it?
I belong to the beauty industry and am a Spa and Salon owner and a Salon Profitability Coach. My primary responsibility is to ensure the smooth day-to-day running of the two Spas and one Salon we own, and also handle the company’s marketing.
How do you see the post-Covid-19 scenario by 2030 for your company and your career?
The Spa and Salon industry was significantly impacted by Covid-19. As a result, the focus is now more on hygiene, and strong hygiene measures and controls are here to stay. Customers are now willing to pay a premium for quality services and prefer to opt for large, well-established salons. Furthermore, increasing demand for traditional products and services based on AYUSH sciences creates an enormous opportunity to develop global brands from India. As for my career, II aim to continue teaching and mentoring fellow Salon Owners to run their businesses professionally and with a focus on profitability, helping them stay competitive in the evolving post-Covid landscape.
Do you have any success routines that you would like to suggest?
Yes, I have a daily routine that has helped me to stay focused and productive. I wake up at 5:15 am, meditate, and exercise four times weekly. On other days, I ensure I get my full sleep quota.
What inspiring quote would you offer to aspiring youth?
“Be relentless! Be patient! Don’t give up!”
Do you enjoy participating in CSR initiatives, and what motivates you?
Yes, I love participating in CSR initiatives. We have collaborated with the Thinksharp Foundation, an NGO that helps to upgrade rural schools. We have kept a donation box in our center to support them, and I am motivated to impact society positively.
Who were the people who helped you the most in your professional upliftment?
Being a member of BNI was a godsend during Covid! I was surrounded by people who were always ready to help at the drop of a hat and were there for me when needed.
What challenges did you encounter while establishing and retaining your business?