
Nikhil Chawla: Leading with 8.2 Million subscribers, India’s biggest Food network over Instagram

Prittle Prattle News in conversation with Nikhil Chawla, the CEO of Hmm Media Pvt. Ltd. and a celebrated Video Content Creator and a verified Food & Travel Influencer on Instagram, Youtube, and Facebook

A celebrated Video Content Creator and a verified Food & Travel Influencer on Instagram, Youtube, and Facebook for nearly ten years, Nikhil Chawla’s love for food is as pronounced as flowers blossoming in the spring. Leading with 8.2 Million subscribers, he has made India’s most extensive Food network over Instagram as the CEO of Hmm Media Pvt. Ltd. desires to document as much food through his videos as possible. Nikhil, with his company, transcends content diversity by encompassing eclectic cultures and domains to create a legendary culinary shangri-la. 

After completing his BBA, Nikhil performed industrial training in 2006 in a call center to study Human behavior, and after that joined his uncle for Corporate leasing in Real Estate. He took the plunge and started his firm in 2009 called ‘The Chawla Group.’ In 2016, he took the first step towards video content creation, entering the F & B industry for his interminable Love of Food.

What is your take on organic food? Is it a big deal for you?

I believe India’s organic food industry has been on a steady growth path in recent years. This has been driven by the increasing awareness of organic produce’s health benefits and rising concerns about food safety and environmental sustainability.

What inspired you to start a food blog?

Firstly, I’ve been a big-time foodie since childhood. Not only me, but my whole family is full of foodies. I was lucky enough to try many cuisines while I was young. So, it was pretty on its own that my interest developed into food vlogging. I began food vlogging as a part-timer. I was still working in the real-estate sector at the same time due to security factors. Then, in 2012, I got introduced to Zomato reviews. Those days, the food-blogging concept was not strong enough, but I decided to continue exploring this field.
My love for food, expertise in documenting it from the right angles, and honesty while reviewing food motivated me to keep growing in this field and choose it as a full-time career.

Evolution in the past few years in the industry

 Firstly, the growth of the internet and social media has allowed food bloggers to reach a wider audience and build a community around their content. Today anyone which a phone is blogging about food. Secondly, the increasing interest in health and wellness has led to a surge in demand for nutritious and healthy recipes, which food bloggers have been quick to capitalize on. Thirdly, the rise of food tourism has led to a renewed interest in regional cuisine, and food bloggers have played an essential role in promoting local food cultures and supporting small-scale food businesses

Why did you choose this industry over any other space?

I opted for food blogging as my profession because I wanted to share my experiences with a broader audience.

How important is eating meals together as a family to you?

It’s essential when everyone has Netflix on their phone. Families should eat one meal a day without phones.

How would you describe your platform to new readers?
Platform to new viewers, not readers – Find content from street food to Raj Mahal of India
Inspiring quote for aspiring youth.
Once in a lifetime, do what your heart desires for a short while. If it blossoms into a career, that’s great. If not, you’ll have no regrets in life
Nikhil Chawla, the CEO of Hmm Media Pvt. Ltd.
Inspiring quote for aspiring youth.
Once in a lifetime, do what your heart desires for a short while. If it blossoms into a career, that’s great. If not, you’ll have no regrets in life.
Could you elaborate on the challenges you encountered while establishing and retaining?
When I started food blogging a decade ago, many people believed it was a frivolous pursuit and would never become a viable career option. However, I persevered despite the skepticism and worked hard to make it a success.
Prittle Prattle News composed this article as an Interview.
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