
VKC Pride is named Brand of the Decade

VKC Razak was also named Marketing Meister 2022 by BARC Asia and the Jury Panel.

VKC Pride, India’s top PU footwear producer, has received the BARC, Herald Global, and ERTC Media Brand of the Decade Award.

The award was presented to VKC Group Managing Director VKC Razak and Director V Rafeeq at a ceremony held at ITC Maratha in Mumbai.

VKC Pride, the award was given in celebration of VKC’s efforts to democratise the footwear and fashion industries in favour of the general public.

VKC Razak was also named Marketing Meister 2022 by BARC Asia and the Jury Panel for his work in convincing Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan to endorse a footwear company for the first time in Bachchan’s over 50-year career.

In a single year, Bachchan has launched four new VKC brands, including India’s latest sports fashion brand DEBONGO, which seeks a global audience.

Big B creating four distinct brands in a single year for a single group is also a first in the Indian brand market.

This article was shared with Prittle Prattle News as a Press Release.

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