
Populated countries by 21st century

21st century

21st century India is about to overtake China being the world’s most populated nation by 2024, exceeding China’s current population of 1.4 billion.

21st century: this rate of increase is not anticipated to reduce until around 2060, when India will have a population of around 1.67 billion people. Its population will have dropped by the year 2100, yet it will still number more than 1.5 billion people.

Meanwhile, China’s population will have shrunk to about one billion people, a 400 million-person decrease from today. According to the UN Department, the world population will have risen to more than 11 billion in the next 80 years.

The United States, the world’s third-largest country, will see its population rise gradually from approximately 326 million now to over 447 million by 2100. However, due to Nigeria’s fast population increase, the United States will have fallen to fourth position by this time. The West African nation’s population is anticipated to rise from approximately 195 million now to just under 800 million by 2010, which is comparable to Europe’s total population (743 million).

In addition, Europe’s population will decline by around 90 million by the end of the century.
Between now and 2100, several additional African countries, including the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Uganda, will see significant development.

According to the UN, these statistics would be significantly higher if not for a drop in fertility rates in virtually all regions of the world.

According to the UN, ageing populations will have a dramatic impact on society, highlighting the budgetary and political challenges that many nations’ health care, old-age pension, and social security systems will confront in the next decades.

This article is curated by Prittle Prattle News.

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