“The Adventures of Zeke and Ledford: Book One: The Dark Wizard and the Mallenknory Stone” from Christian Faith Publishing author J.S.Siler is an action-packed story of two unlikely heroes who find themselves on an unexpected journey to free the enslaved mice of Gazette.
“The Adventures of Zeke and Ledford: Book One: The Dark Wizard and the Mallenknory Stone”: an enjoyable and imaginative adventure. “The Adventures of Zeke and Ledford: Book One: The Dark Wizard and the Mallenknory Stone” is the creation of published author J.S.Siler, a native of Ohio and US Army veteran who served during the Gulf War.
“Welcome to Gazette, a nice, prosperous town located in the land of Erihs. For many years, the mice of Gazette lived in peace and harmony. With a very successful fire sap mine, they had all they could ever need—till that dark, dark day many years ago when it all changed. The evil Mallenknory mice invaded the peaceful town of Gazette and have ruthlessly ruled over it for many, many years, dividing its citizens and forcing the children to work the fire sap mines to fatten their evil pockets. But there is hope—a prophecy! All the mice of Gazette hold on to the hope that the prophecy of the Chosen One is true. Could this “Chosen One” save them as foretold? Or will they continue to suffer under the iron paw of the Mallenknory for all time? Defeating the Mallenknory requires the magical and believed to be mythical (by most mice) stone of Mallenknory. With this stone, the Chosen One could defeat the evil Mallenknory mice. But the stone is in the hands of the darkest of dark and supremely evil Dark Wizard! He’ll have to be defeated to get it. Can it be done? Could it be done? Does it even exist? Does the Chosen One exist? For many, many years the citizens of Gazette have waited for the Chosen One’s arrival to free them from the oppression of the Mallenknory. Is the wait for their freedom over? Come with me and travel to Gazette and join Zeke and Ledford on their first magical adventure into the unknown.”
Siler shares,