Chennai, As part of Indian Bank’s Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav celebrations, the Bank’s Executive Director, Shri Imran Amin Siddiqui distributed tables and chairs to the primary section of Chennai Public higher secondary school, Alwarpet. The initiative has taken place today at an event organized in Chennai.
The Bank also distributed the stationery items to the High school students at the school. This initiative will positively impact around 373 students at the school.
Shri. Imran Amin Siddiqui also planted the saplings at the school garden which is being maintained by the Bank. At the event, Shri. Imran Amin Siddiqui expressed his feelings, “Indian Bank has always been an advocate of activities that give back to the society and at times where education is the topmost priority of the nation, contributing to building a better education infrastructure should be our moral duty. Through such CSR activities, we intend to support the future of our Nation.”
Shri Mahesh Kumar Bajaj, GM (TMO/CCD), Ms. Jayapremalatha, Headmistress of the school, Executives of the Bank, teachers at the school, and students were present during the event.
About Indian Bank
Established in 1907, Indian Bank is a premier Public Sector Bank with a dominant Pan-India presence. The government of India owns 88.06% of the shareholding. It is the First Public Sector Bank to install ATM at Harbour, Madras in 1989. The Bank has a vast branch network with 6004 branches, 5428 ATMs & BNAs, and overseas branches in Colombo and Singapore in addition to over 225 overseas correspondent banks. The government of India had announced the Amalgamation of Allahabad Bank – a bank with 155 years of legacy – into Indian Bank in 2019.
Indian Bank commenced its operation as an amalgamated entity on 1st April 2020. The integration of CBS systems of both the Banks was completed on 14th February 2021. Indian Bank has constantly thrived to adopt the latest technology and modify its techniques. Apart from various initiatives undertaken by Indian Bank, one of the out-of-the-box initiatives was the launch of MSME Prerana – an Online Business Mentoring PAN India Programme for MSME entrepreneurs. To strengthen this initiative, Indian Bank also launched ‘Ind Spring Board’, financing for Start-ups and entered MOU with IIT Madras. Over the years, Indian Bank has set new benchmarks in providing efficient banking services to its different client groups and has also emerged as a frontrunner in delivering excellent customer service.
This article was shared with Prittle Prattle News as a Press Release.
Must read- Indian Bank
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