Muthoottu Mini Financiers Ltd, one of India’s major NBFCs in association with Rotary Cochin Midtown Club, lends its helping hand to ease the problems encountered by the general public and the needy of the community by renovating the male and female medical wards at General Hospital, Ernakulam.
A Muthoottu Mini CSR initiative, upgradation of male and female medical wards at General Hospital, Ernakulam, was inaugurated by Sri. Hibi Eden, Hon’ble Member of Parliament, in the presence of Sri. Mathew Muthoottu, Managing Director, Muthoottu Mini Financiers Ltd.
Rotary Dist. Governor, Sri. Rajmohan Nair, Sri.PE Mathai, CEO, Muthoottu Mini, Sri. Sreejil Mukund, COO, Muthoottu Mini, Sri. Kiran James, Associate Vice President, Muthoottu Mini, & other representatives of Muthoottu Mini.
Sri. Radhesh L. Bhat – President, Rotary Cochin Midtown, Sri. PDG BR Ajit, Past Dist. Governor of Rotary Cochin Midtown, Sri. Babu Joseph, Past Dist. Governor of Rotary Cochin Midtown, Sri K K George, Past President of rotary Cochin Midtown, Dr. Asha, Superintendent, and Ernakulam General Hospital were also part of this event.
About Muthoottu Mini Financiers Ltd: